Apply To Be A Beta-reader

Let me introduce this section with a brief statement. I beta-read for other writers, and the standards I provide here are the standards to which I hold myself.

I treasure the trust other writers place in me to respect their work and effort, and to not plagiarize or steal their creations. Likewise, I have the same expectations – and I want to get them out there and out of the way as quickly as possible.

Bad things can and do happen when trust is betrayed. I have been betrayed, and I would never want to put another person in that position, and to feel the terrible emotions involved.

On the other side of that coin, really wonderful things can happen when two people work at placing trust in one another, to share openly and honestly without being cruel.

I ask nothing of others which I am not willing to provide myself.

Application To Be A Beta-reader

Being a beta-reader is a position of trust. As the writer, I am trusting you to not steal my ideas and my creations, to not plagiarize my content, and to not share my writing with anyone else. Ever. This is what I promise to those for whom I beta-read.

In turn, you are trusting me to consider your feedback carefully and thoughtfully as having real value, and to act on your suggestions or recommendations.

Anyone involved in writing should already know that each created work is automatically covered by United States copyright laws upon creation. I have placed a copyright notice in each novel.

If you would like to become a beta-reader for me, please do two things. First, access the “My Expectations of a Beta-reader” page and read those expectations. Second, fill out the application information below and email to me at

If accepted, I will provide a copy of the novel you have selected, and expect a full response within a month or so. We all read at different rates, and we all have lives to lead, loved ones to care for, and probably jobs to work. The act of writing a thoughtful critique also takes time. So, the time thing is always negotiable. If the ‘month’ thing works, great! If it doesn’t, then let’s talk about it.

Handle or Name (I am very aware of privacy concerns, so if you give your real name you do it voluntarily and only give me what you wish to give.)

Email address

Area of residence (a city, or a portion of a state – I do not want your address)

Short bio history

Indicate your choice of novel to beta-read

Why you want to be a beta-reader for me

Tell me if you wish to trade beta-read services – and outline what works you have and for which you wish to trade services.

The relationship between a beta-reader and a writer can be as complex and deep, or as remote and shallow, as each of those two people agree it to be. Regardless of the level, each is trusting the other to be professional in the exchange at a minimum. At maximum, lasting friendships can form.

I have done many beta-reads, and thoroughly enjoy most of them. Not because I always enjoy what I read – sometimes that is a real chore – but because I always learn something about myself and my own writing as I beta-read for others. Beta-reading forces me to learn and grow, because what I critique and why I focus on it reveals things about myself and my own writing.

I would recommend every writer, whether aspiring or professional, to beta-read for other writers. Doing so ensures you will keep one foot in the ‘trenches’, so to speak, and be forced to remember your own roots as a writer and the struggles you faced.

Thank you for your interest.